
This is the version on the Large & Extra-large HUDs which come with the HUDSelector OXP. The Vimana HUD has a different icon which shows when maintenance is needed.
[hide]Maintenance Overhaul
Covers dry docking fees, cleaning and replating of damaged hull sections, shield and scoop system de-ionization, systems tune-up, repainting and detailed valeting.
When the shipyard-folk start systematically approaching you with an offer to do a big overhaul, do not readily shrug off their offers thinking it's a scam. These people usually know what they're talking about, and when they suggest an overhaul, it's usually a sign they spotted something's about to break. Maybe your last scrape-ins during those manual dockings are beginning to show? Got into any hairballs recently?
Sure, your shields take care of these things, that's why you paid so much for them, but nonetheless, these punishments add up, and one day, in mid-flight, things might go bad without prior warning. Witchjumping into Thargoid territory, Fuel Leaks, your scanner going haywire... Space is an unforgiving place, and face it, life is already perilous enough without having to worry about failing equipment. So take good care of your ship. It's the only thing separating you from the deep vacuum.
Selling your ship
Also, when you go shopping for a new ship, it might be a good idea to fork out for a maintenance-session before swapping in your old one. Recently-serviced ships have a significantly better trade-in value than ships in poor shape.
Impact of TL
Note that the TL of the system has an impact on servicing: the higher the TL, the longer-lasting the maintenance on your vessel. If you don't get into major fights, and always get your repairs done at the best shipyards, you're probably looking at about 50 jumps between refits (Cim).
Price increase
Why does the price go up when you have more equipment on board? Because the equipment has built-in redundancy, to stop you getting a long list of catastrophic failures the first time you take hull damage. You buy an ASC, it comes with three or four receivers for the transponder signals. In this case:
- - disruption = one receiver fails, brief pause in service while the system recalibrates; primary processing unit fails, pause while the backup processing unit powers up
- - damage = all receivers have failed, but the processing units are intact (or vice versa), so it's cheaper to repair than buying a whole new one, but it's still not working right now.
Servicing would then include restoring failed redundant components to full order (which is why it gets noticeably more expensive the more equipment you pile onto your ship)
Then, parts like the "ship's alternator" might fail - initially, only until the backup alternator can take over, but if you continue to go without proper servicing, you'll eventually to get two disruptions hitting the same component before it recovers, and then it actually fails.(Cim).

A Theory
A witchspace connection consists of a fifth-dimensional pseudocylindrical passage, or intertube, connecting a blue hole created by a witchspace drive to an invisible virtual white hole in the destination system. Fuel expenditure is proportional to the realspace length of the intertube.
The term witchspace refers specifically to the strange, magical and somewhat unlikely visual artefacts encountered while travelling the virtual length of the intertube. This virtual length is at once constant and proportional to the square of the realspace length, which makes perfect sense in five-dimensional bogometrics.
A witchspace malfunction occurs when the metric of the intertube is not perfectly balanced, which can happen due to hardware failure (slightly bent wire, build-ups of dust, or uneven load due to centrifugal force) in the witchspace drive’s field generator coils. This causes an “unravelling” of the field which dumps the traveller somewhere along the realspace path of the intertube; it is more likely to do so in the presence of large quantities of radioactive isotopes, incidentally of the very type used by the thargoids in their unrelated and badly-understood interstellar drives. Unfortunately, the only way to detect an unravelling condition is to enter the blue hole and see whether you end up where you expected to. This explains the importance of regular Maintenance Jens Ayton (2007).
Doing It
- PHKB's Maintenance Tune Up keeps maintenance perpetually listed on the F3 screen in case of need. When the F3 screen's listing turns orange the maintenance starts to become urgent!
- ShipVersion by Norby introduces Service Levels, Small Fixes & handy repair bots which can help a little.
Knowing about it
- Norby's HUDSelector includes a Large HUD & an Extra-Large HUD, each with a 'Hull bar' giving an indication of the need for maintenance.
- Vimana HUD flashes lamp 14 as a Maintenance Warning when the time is ripe.
- Useful MFDs adds a free MFD with the relevant information (if you have a compatible HUD).
- Failing HUD - (2015) by Spara. As maintenance becomes more urgent, your HUD starts flickering!
- Ship Condition oxp (2014) by Spara - see below. Shows maintenance level on F5 Ship Manifest screen.
- Griff's SpecGloss Sidewinder (2023) - see here for download
Spara's Failing HUD & Vimana HUD are the most realistic of these. Do you really have a gauge in a plane or on your car giving you a 92% maintenance value? Although, maybe in the future...
Effects of not doing it
- Stranger's Hard Way makes the maintenance level impact on a number of different areas of performance (top speed, energy recharge rate, fuel scooping rate...) - not just misjumps.
Techlevel : 7 Servicecosts: 1% of ship value

- Note that Maintenance is not related to Breakability (Breakable 'Standard' Equipment OXPs, Breakable Life Support System), and is thus unaffected by Repair Bots. But see Cim's note on Price Increases above - there is an argument to the contrary! But then those OXPs predate cim's rework of the vanilla game code in 2014.
See Also
BB Discussions
- Proposal for 1.82: updates to service level / maintenance (2014)
- (Release) Ship Condition (2014+) Good discussion. And another .oxp to boot!
- maintenance: to pay or not to pay? (2013)
- Maintenance Overhaul (2012) - some super ideas, such as messages that bits are falling off your ship - or gauges off your HUD!
- A_c's synopsis of this (2010)
- Should running costs be much more expensive and frequent? (2006)
- A more sophisticated approach (2022 - YouTube ad: An overview of ship maintenance operations in ASG (parts wear, repairs, replacement, and related best policies).

Not quite maintenance
- Repair Bots
- External Repair System for subentities. GGShinobi (2013) Alpha release. (for rotating nacelles, landing gear, etc!)