Hyperradio Musicpacks
This page contains a list of musicpacks for the Hyperradio. Install them like any other OXP, but please note that the musicpacks don't work without (the Hyperradio installed) Library OXP installed. For more information about creating your own radio station take a look in Hyperradio_Howto_Musicpacks.
The available musicpacks are packaged by different users and hosted on different servers (e.g. Cmd. Cheyd's Deep Horizon Industries, Diziet Sma's box account or mirrored on Tricky's box account). Special thanks to these Commanders.
If you already have downloaded one or more of the packs please use the script-update (4KB) for using the packs with HyperRadio version later than v1.10. Replace the script in your musicpack with the updated script and everything should be fine. This is only necessary if you have downloaded early versions of the musicpacks - the current available versions are already patched.
Pack TN01 - Technofunk
Interpret | Title | License | Source | Link to artist |
Ogg Vorbis | Bones Square | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | Jamendo.com | Ogg Vorbis on Jamendo |
Ogg Vorbis | Eternal Captivity | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | Jamendo.com | Ogg Vorbis on Jamendo |
Ogg Vorbis | Happy Skeleton People | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | Jamendo.com | Ogg Vorbis on Jamendo |
Ogg Vorbis | Mathilde dreams | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | Jamendo.com | Ogg Vorbis on Jamendo |
Ogg Vorbis | Yang Tse Fly | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | Jamendo.com | Ogg Vorbis on Jamendo |
- Download: hyperradioTN01.zip - 24.5MB
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2331 times).
- Brought to you by bacontube
Pack AFC01 - Accoustic, Folk and Country
Interpret | Title | License | Source | Link to artist |
Erik Ostrom | By your side | CC-by-nc-2.0 | http://www.drowning.org | http://www.drowning.org |
Josh Woodward | Brevity | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.joshwoodward.com | http://www.joshwoodward.com |
Josh Woodward | Untitled | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.joshwoodward.com | http://www.joshwoodward.com |
Paul Westerberg | Looking Up In Heaven | CC-Sampling Plus-1.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | http://members.aol.com/paulspage/ |
William Brooks | Seven Promises | CC-by-nc-sa-1.0 | http://www.magnatune.com | http://www.williambrooksonline.com |
- Download: hyperradioAFC01.zip - 17.488KB (~17MB)
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2698 times).
- Brought to you by Svengali
Pack ST01 - Ambient
- Download: hyperRadioST01.oxp.zip - 38.588KB (~37.6 MB)
- Mirror: hyperRadioST01.oxp.zip - 38.588KB (~37.6 MB)
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2567 times).
- Brought to you by Rustybolts
Pack ST02 - Ambient
Interpret | Title | License | Source | Link to artist |
PeerGynt Lobogris | Elissa 2010 | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | PeerGynt Lobogris on Jamendo |
PeerGynt Lobogris | A drop in the universe | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | PeerGynt Lobogris on Jamendo |
PeerGynt Lobogris | Flying on moonlight | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | PeerGynt Lobogris on Jamendo |
PeerGynt Lobogris | I need a dream to survive | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | PeerGynt Lobogris on Jamendo |
PeerGynt Lobogris | Sensual touch | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | PeerGynt Lobogris on Jamendo |
- Download: hyperRadioST02.oxp.zip - 29.092KB (~29 MB)
- Mirror: hyperRadioST02.oxp.zip - 29.092KB (~29 MB)
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2216 times).
- Brought to you by Rustybolts
Pack PSY01 - Ambient Psychedelic
Interpret | Title | License | Source | Link to artist |
Supernova | Love (CD Single) | CC-by-nc-sa-2.5 | http://www.jamendo.com | supernova on Jamendo |
mindthings | Emotion Vibes | CC-by-nc-sa-2.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | mindthings on Jamendo |
paniq | Occidental Nemesis | CC-by-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | paniq on Jamendo |
SoLaRiS | Most Haunted | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | SoLaRiS on Jamendo |
Vate | Diablo (en vivo) | CC-by-nc-sa-2.5 | http://www.jamendo.com | Vate on Jamendo |
- Download: hyperradioPSY01.oxp.zip - 29.4MB
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2090 times).
- Brought to you by bacontube
Pack HH01 - Hardrock and Metal
Interpret | Title | License | Source | Link to artist |
Aching Beauty | Steps | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | http://achingbeauty.free.fr |
Antarhes | Different Way | CC-by-nc-sa-2.5 | http://www.jamendo.com | http://www.antarhes.com |
Aygan | Now it's over | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | http://www.aygan.com.br/ |
Holy Pain | Last Sigh | CC-by-nc-sa-2.0/fr | http://www.jamendo.com | http://www.holy-pain.com |
Red Light Rippers | Addicted | CC-by-nc-sa-2.5 | http://www.jamendo.com | http://www.redlightrippers.com |
- Download: hyperradioHH01.zip - 22.163KB (~21.6MB)
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2545 times).
- Brought to you by Svengali
Pack JFRG01 - Jazz, Funk, RnB and Groove
Interpret | Title | License | Source | Link to artist |
Droopy Contini | Dewey Square | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.rawbounce.co.cc | http://www.rawbounce.co.cc |
La Rabona | Vamos a Reconquistar | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://freemusic.freeculture.org | http://www.larabona.cl |
Lasswell | Drunk in a smokey bar drinking an imperial porter | CC-by-nc-3.0 | http://www.ccmixter.org | http://ccmixter.org/people/lazztunes07 |
Luc Bartoli | Hassan's Dream | CC-by-nc-sa-3.0 | http://www.jamendo.com | http://www.rawbounce.co.cc |
Matt Pepper Trio | J'ai demande au soleil | CC-by-nc-sa-2.0/fr | http://www.jamendo.com | http://www.mattpeppertrio.com/ |
- Download: hyperradioJFRG01.zip - 17.965KB (~17.5MB)
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79 or later (downloaded 2046 times).
- Brought to you by Svengali
Pack CATACLYSM - Ambient Electronica
- Download: hyperradioCATACLYSM.oxp.zip - 41.83MB
- Download in OXZ format here for Oolite 1.79+ only (2668 downloads)
- Brought to you by Diziet Sma
Creative Commons
Xiph.Org-Foundation-Wiki OGG-Vorbis
Audacity - Free crossplatform Audio-Editor
Audacity WIKI
Deep Horizon Industries
The Hyperradio page
Hyperradio Howto Musicpacks