Spalder and Starblaze Inc

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Revision as of 09:59, 15 February 2025 by DavidKroc (talk | contribs) (add links to new pages)
S&S's most famous product


Spalder and Starblaze are one of the leading ship manufacturers in the galaxy. They build the Sidewinder for Faulcon de Lacy in the Onrira Orbital Shipyards. It was originally built to Navy specifications for a multi-purpose support craft and the ship began rolling off production lines over a hundred and fifty years ago.

There is a peculiar relationship with the Adder. The Adder is manufactured by Outworld Workshops, a rogue breakaway company from Spalder and Prime Inc. which operates without license from an unknown location.

But S&S later went on to produce the Adder Speedster in response to the debut of the Anole. Perhaps Outworld Workshops are an S&S front company? Perhaps the founders of Outworld Workshops stole the original plans from S&S who had them to develop the Adder Speedster? Truth is, we don't know!

OXP Additions to the S&S oeuvre
