Cabal Common Library Doc OXPStrength
This is the main class for the OXPStrength with its members and part of the Cabal_Common_Library.
It is a helper tool specially for mission OXPs to check the environment and helps to determine the players strength.
The underlaying API calculates a checksum (coef) for entities. This checksum can be gathered by scripts for specific entities (Player and NPCs). Factors are:
- accuracy (v1.7.1)
- distance to the hotspots (MainStation,WP and lanes WP,WS,PS)
- EQs
- escorts / defense ships
- laser
- mass (v1.7.1)
- maxEnergy
- maxSpeed
- maxThrust
- missiles
- primaryRole
- shieldRechargeRates
- subent laser
- turrets
The script can set a missionVariable to be used for strong entities. Deprecated in favour of condition scripts.
missionVariables.CCL_OXPStrength |
Main purpose is to prevent the spawning by the populator. These entities can define conditions in shipdata.plist. Default is 9. Suggested classes:
- 1 = coef < 100
- 2 = coef < 120
- 3 = coef < 150
- 4 = coef < 180
- 5 = coef < 200
- 6 = coef < 300
- 7 = coef < 500
- 8 = coef < 1000
- 9 = otherwise, default.
conditions = ("mission_CCL_OXPStrength greaterthan 3"); |
Starting with v1.7.1 this is replaced by a property
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_OXPStrength.CCL_OXPStrength |
Missionships should use a script_info key that excludes the entity from cleaning to avoid breaking other missions. Deprecated.
script_info = {ccl_missionShip = true;} |
Additionally a property with the same effect can be set for a specific entity. Deprecated.
this.ccl_missionShip = true; |
A third way is to exclude names of entities. This must be done in your own startUp. Deprecated. Cleaning is removed in v1.7.1.
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_OXPStrength.ccl_strengthExclEntByName.push("name1"); |
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_OXPStrength.checkOXPStrength.checkPower(entity); |
Checks the specified entity and returns the gathered coefficient.
For NPCs the standard range is <100 (except some Vipers), but OXP entities can have a lot higher value based on their settings. Playerships are treated different and are getting higher values. A standard Cobra MkIII has a value of 86 in the beginning and gets up to 293 if fully equipped with standard weaponry, missiles and other equipment. The Boa Class Cruiser even gets 304.
- entity
- Entity.
- coef
- Number. Calculated sum.
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_OXPStrength.registerLocation(obj); |
Scripts can specify systems where logging should happen. Only one object with a few properties has to be passed.
Properties of obj:
- String. Required. worldScriptname.
- String. Required. Propertyname to be checked. If true start logging.
- Gal
- Number. Required. Galaxy.
- ID
- Number. Required. System ID.
- Boolean. Required. Interstellar (if used activation on leaving ID && misjump).
- GJump
- Array. galacticHyperspaceFixedCoordsInLY for galactic jumps, e.g. [6.4,51,0].
- Strength
- Number. Strength for missionVariables.CCL_OXPStrength. Deprecated.
- checkC
- Number. Threshold for logging.
- checkK
- Number. Threshold for cleaning. The script checks the distance to the player and used handlers. Deprecated.
- delay
- Number. Timer delay for logging.
- locate
- Number. Only for hotspot 0=all, 1=MainStation, 2=WP, 3=LaneWP, 4=LaneWS, 5=LanePS.
- repeat
- Number. Repeat logging n times.
- logging
- Boolean. Log actions. Deprecated.
- Permanent
- Boolean. Flag to keep the entry. If player leaves the specified system and Permanent is not set, the entry will be deleted.
- Suspend
- Array. Names of worldScripts to be suspended. Following Oktis approach, e.g. ["OXPA","OXPB"]. Deprecated - unused by OXPs.