All entities in Oolite have an AI, this is a plist file that defines a state machine that determines their behaviour. This behaviour can be simple for rocks tumbing (DumbAI.plist) to complex for escorting craft (escort.plist).
Oolite standard AI's
//Sends warning messages when attacked, summons police.
//intercepts and scoops loot.
//scripts the docking maneuvres.
//just tumbles randomly
//pirate behaviour, navigation towards planet.
//trader behaviour, navigation towards planet.
//escort behaviour.
//Trader behaviour, navigation towards witchpoint.
//Shuttle station -> planet.
//Identical to missileAI, minus detonation upon ECM.
//Landing on planet.
//General interception and combat.
//Looks for rocks, mines them.
//Intercept and detonation.
//Only uses performIdle-method, preferred AI for subentities.
//Pirate behaviour.
//Police patroll navigation around planet waypoints.
//Interception, attack, comms and legal bussines.
//Shuttle: planet -> station.
//Behaviour of rockhermit.
//Police patroll navigation route 1.
//Trader navigation route 1.
//Police patroll navigation route 2 (sun).
//General navigation route2.
//Scavenger behaviour, looks for loot.
//Shuttle behaviour.
//Station behaviour.
//General navigation sun -> witchpoint.
//Checks for presence of motherThargoid, requests target from mother, or tumbles.
//Kills all humans.
//Pauses 5 second, sets range, then detonates with cascade effect.
Related Links
OXP_howto OXP_howto_AI Methods