Life in the Frontier

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Litf stationmap.png


At the moment, players roleplay their game session, depending on the career they choose, and the events in-flight. But, space stations, on the contrary, are still rather static (without considering OXPs) and act more like a transition between two flights.

So I thought to help stations offer more variety, giving a player the chance to encounter random events while docked, an event that could require a player choice and with effects (good and bad) on the player.

Life in the Frontier (Park).png
Life in the Frontier (Medical Centre).png
Unfortunate blue text thanks to Dangerous HUD (blue)!

How it works


When the player is docked at a station, he will find in the F4 screen a new item, Disembark from your ship. If selected, the OXP will choose a random event from a list, and the player will have to confront it. Some events will be a mere description of something that happens in the vicinity of the player, while others will require choices and decisions, and usually offer multiple resolutions.

The events are categorized depending on various factors: the system government, economy and TL, plus one "generic" category for events that can happen anywhere. Instead the specific categories are intended to create a precise atmosphere, so in dictatorial systems there will be a more oppressive feeling, and in low tech worlds it will possible to see more malfunctioning in systems.

Every category has a defined background - I have taken shots from corridors in old sci-fi movies but I don't know if I can use them, so in case I will remove them. For now consider them as placeholders.

The resolution of an event can include: variation in money, in bounty level, in ship fuel or cargo goods. In these case will be displayed a report screen showing what is changed.

Sometimes the eventuation of an event will require a check on one of those properties, for example to avoid the player losing more money than he actually has!

The player can initiate an event by docking, to initiate another event he will need to leave and dock at another (or the same) station - in this way the mechanic shouldn't be abused.

The map

One can move around and explore the station, and encounter more events as one does so, both during travel and in, say, the bar. There is something to be found at each location (dust in the bookshop...).


Show details from the Dark Side


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0.

If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to norbylite at

Author: BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM

Life in the Frontier - Revival (BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM's second OXP)


  • These stations are massive (1km x 1km x 1km)! There should be many more facilities - restaurants, many more bars, more hotels, etc.
  • There should be different maps for different stations (Coriolis, Dodo, Ico etc) - see v.0.06 below.
  • Might one be able to sit in a bar and watch the planet and local ships move beneath on a screen or even through a window! And watch GNN on another screen!
  • Could be combined with the bar from Hints, with the bar and trade floor etc. in New Cargoes, the Embassy district in Diplomancy, the Guild of Elite Traders in Elite Trader OXZ, a "Lave First Finance Corp" office for First Finance OXP, the Black Market, bribeable station officials' offices and the dock master's office from Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld, GalCop security offices/kiosks for Bounty System and the storage facility for Equipment Storage OXP.

For Rock Hermits, the contracts desk could be added from the Mining Contracts OXP!

  • Since one can become meaningfully sick, a meaningful link with plague systems would be a nice addition (determined eg by GNN).
  • See the "contents" post for the LitF BB thread linked below for more of this sort of stuff


  • Massively Locked's (& Cholmondely's) updates (experimental). Note that these are development versions and not recommended for regular play-throughs.
File:LitF+v0.06.oxz - ico, dodo & RH layouts, lots of work behind the facade, and now a realistic feel to the stations.
File:LitF+v0.05.oxz - adds fledgling ico layout (empty), second dodo layout (empty)
File:LitF+v0.04.oxz - adds fledgling dodo layout with a different bar, violence, more churches, more encounters, dotting of "i"s, crossing of "t"s
File:LitF+v0.03.oxz - adds fledgling rock hermit layout
File:LitF+v0.02.oxz - adds temples, govt section, RH bookshop
File:LitF+v0.01.oxz - more bookshops, names your ship
  • Phkb's LitF+v0.07.oxp. Note that this is a development version and not recommended for regular play-throughs.
Phkb was adding changeable maps for the various stations - as well as clearing up a few programming issues with LitF+v0.06,and experimenting with a
BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM was adding in a new dynamic mapping system (see Life In The Frontier 2024 (The road to the final release)


BB Thread: Table of Contents
  • YouTube film (2018) - this now seems to link to a film of the second OXP, below.

Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
0.7.3 2015.07.12 CC BY-NC-SA 4 Walk around in the station Activities OXPs BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM BB-Link