Misc plists

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Revision as of 23:08, 5 May 2010 by Svengali (talk | contribs) (OpenStep examples added)



The file is organized as a dictionary with pairs of key and value (string or array). It has the same structure as the missiontext.plist and it also resides in the config folder inside the OXP.

Example XML:


Example OpenStep:

  parcelnumbers = ("two", "three", "four", "five", "six");


Its use must be seen as a kind of variable. The key part is the variable name and the string part is the content of the variable. If you use an array of strings the variable will return a random choice of one of the strings. And this is the main use of the descriptions.plist: Creation of text with variable content. See also string expansion.

The text itself is invoked by using the key-word between square brackets, like:

You have to pick up [parcelnumbers] parcels.

Whenever Oolite reads in a scriptline, missiontext or description, it first looks for something between brackets. If is finds something it looks if it is a mission_variable. If yes, is replaces the name of the variable with its content. Then it looks in the descriptions.plist. If it finds a key, it replaces the name with the string content. If it is an array it picks at random one of the strings. Be aware that Oolite reeds in all descriptions.plist lines on startup in one big file. This means that you can use keywords from other OXP's or from Oolite itself. If there are some key's with duplicate names, it uses the last. This means that you must use unique keywords.



The file is organized as an array. Every entry consists of a string, with the name of a ship. The shipname must correspond with a key inside the shipdata.plist. It resides in the config folder inside the OXP.

Example XML:


Example OpenStep:



Its function is to select witch ships to show on the startup screen when a new commander is chosen.



The file is organized as an array. Every entry consists of a string, with the name of a shiprole. This plist is introduced with Oolite version 1.70

Example XML:


Example OpenStep:



Pirates use the function scanForNearestMerchantmen and scanForRandomMerchantmen. With pre 1.70 versions this function only finds ships with role trader and player. Starting with 1.70 these two functions finds all ships that are included in the pirate-victim-roles.plist. This makes it possible to add ships in their own role that are recognized by pirates as traders. Ship designers are encouraged to use this pirate-victim-roles.plist and add all private roles that should act trader like for better interaction with pirate groups.

Download a custom pirate-victim-roles.plist