Ulite: Planet Climates

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3.14 Climates

3.14.1 Basic principles

The climate of a planet has a strong influence on a private station. In essence, the climate influences the following factors:

Food production per farmer, Maximum population at the station, Resulting pollution per production point, Operating costs of buildings.

3.14.2 Climates List

The list of climates, sorted from bad to good:

climate (English) food Max population pollution Building costs note Dead Dead 0 3 Very high Very high Maxmiale population including all research is 3. inferno inferno 0 Very low High High Radiated Radiated 0 Very low Very high medium Toxic Toxic 0 Very low Very high High Barren Ingots 0 Very low Very high normal desert Desert 1 Low High medium From here food production possible. steppe steppe 1 medium Elevated medium drought Arid 1 medium Elevated normal Tundra Tundra 1 medium Elevated normal jungle Jungle 2 medium Low medium From here good food. swamp Swamp 2 medium Low normal ocean Ocean 2 medium Low normal Terran Terran 2 High Low normal Gaia Gaia 3 Very high Very low normal Maximum Nutrition.

3.14.3 Terraforming

There are 4 research projects that influence the climate. Building the building also corresponds to the transformation of the planet. Attention to the module Terraforming: Any further use of terraforming doubles the costs.

The following table describes the possibilities of terraforming. On the left is the "start" -climate, in the table there is the possible end-climates.

Planetary shield (all variants) Terraforming Improved terraforming Gaia transformation Dead Barren inferno Barren Radiated Barren Toxic Barren Barren Desert, tundra desert drought steppe Terran drought Terran Tundra swamp jungle swamp Terran ocean Terran Terran Gaia