Difference between revisions of "BGS2 Doc"

From Elite Wiki
(Changed bgs_tunnel_brightness to bgs_tunnel_contrast)
(Added script_info key ''bgs_chatExpand'' and user setting ''ChatExpand'')
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== Properties ==
== Properties ==
'''$pub''' - Holds various entries for customization via other AddOns.
'''$pub''' - Holds various entries for customization via other AddOns.
:;chat: Array. Holds filenames for aegis chatter.
:;chat: Array. Holds filenames for aegis chatter. To expand push your files in it.
:;engineAmbi: String. Ambient sound while engine is running.
:;engineAmbi: String. Ambient sound while engine is running.
:;engineDown: String. Sound for decelerating.
:;engineDown: String. Sound for decelerating.
Line 30: Line 30:
:;bgs_engineUp:String/Filename. Playership - engine acceleration sound.
:;bgs_engineUp:String/Filename. Playership - engine acceleration sound.
:;bgs_engineDown:String/Filename. Playership - engine deceleration sound.
:;bgs_engineDown:String/Filename. Playership - engine deceleration sound.
:;bgs_chatExpand:Boolean. Station. Enables chatter for secondary stations if chatter is enabled. {{AV|2.5.1}}
:;bgs_tunnel_off:Boolean. Station - disables the tunnel effect.
:;bgs_tunnel_off:Boolean. Station - disables the tunnel effect.
:;bgs_tunnel_contrast:Number. Station - adjusts the texture contrast. Default 0.4. {{AV|2.5}}
:;bgs_tunnel_contrast:Number. Station - adjusts the texture contrast. Default 0.4. {{AV|2.5}}
Line 67: Line 68:
:;chatPause:Random pause for Aegis chatter in range 14...chatPause. Integer, Def 26.
:;chatPause:Random pause for Aegis chatter in range 14...chatPause. Integer, Def 26.
:;Chatter:Switch for Aegis chatter. Bool, Def true.
:;Chatter:Switch for Aegis chatter. Bool, Def true.
:;ChatExpand:Allow chatter for secondary stations. Ruled by Chatter setting. Bool, Def false. {{AV|2.5.1}}
:;Countdown:Timed countdown. Bool, Def true.
:;Countdown:Timed countdown. Bool, Def true.
:;Engine:Engine sounds. Bool, Def true.
:;Engine:Engine sounds. Bool, Def true.

Revision as of 19:54, 20 November 2018

Console usage




BGS checks the keys in customsounds.plist ([galactic-hyperspace-countdown-begun] and [hyperspace-countdown-begun]) to see if another soundpack is using them. If so BGS disables its own countdown.


On startUp BGS checks the shader support level. If it's switched off or no shader support is available all effects are disabled.


$pub - Holds various entries for customization via other AddOns.

Array. Holds filenames for aegis chatter. To expand push your files in it.
String. Ambient sound while engine is running.
String. Sound for decelerating.
String. Sound for accelerating.
Array. Countdown sounds starting with zero.
Number. Start countdown at +1.
String. Sound for galactic jump.
String. Sound for standard jump.


Additional keys for specific entities are available and can be specified via script_info dictionary.


String/Filename. Playership - engine mumble sound.
String/Filename. Playership - engine acceleration sound.
String/Filename. Playership - engine deceleration sound.
Boolean. Station. Enables chatter for secondary stations if chatter is enabled. Added in v2.5.1
Boolean. Station - disables the tunnel effect.
Number. Station - adjusts the texture contrast. Default 0.4. Added in v2.5
Number. Station - range 0.38 - 5.0. If not specified the script takes the ratio of the first found dock bounding box x/y to get the shape.
0.5 - square 45 degrees rotated with aspect ratio
1 - circle with aspect ratio
>1 - squircle...rectangle (>1.1 with decreased aspect ratio to get a wider tunnel)
String/Filename. Station. Default bgs_docking_tunnel01.png.
Array. Station. Color for lines in docking effect. Default 0.2824,0.171,0.0507.


Playership (without preloaded sounds):

 script_info = {bgs_engineAmbi = "myEngine.ogg"; bgs_engineUp = "myEngineUp.ogg"; bgs_engineDown = "myEngineDown.ogg";};


 script_info = {bgs_tunnel_texture = "myOwnTexture.png";};

Docking FX

The effect is done via VisualEffect entity. The model is a plane and gets scaled to fullscreen (with z = -1).

The input texture (figure 1.1) gets wrapped around via abs(atan(y,x)) (figure 1.2). You can imagine this as a cylinder with infinite length and you are looking into it, with a mirror axis along x. As the shape can be adjusted we can reach square, circle and squircle (figure 1.3).

The shader applies some glowing lines and adds a opening door. Artists don't have to care much about it - the shaders does it on it's own. The interesting bit though is the coloring of the door. It's taken from the input image and gets mixed with the glowing lines to some extend to get a smoother transition between tunnel and door and the tint (bgs_tunnel_tint, default rgb: 0.2824, 0.171, 0.0507) gets applied.

User settings

BGS can be configured through Librarys Lib_Config. None of them should be touched by other AddOns. The options are

Joystick jitter adjustment. Float, Def 0.002.
Countdown offset. Float, Def -0.3.
Random pause for Aegis chatter in range 14...chatPause. Integer, Def 26.
Switch for Aegis chatter. Bool, Def true.
Allow chatter for secondary stations. Ruled by Chatter setting. Bool, Def false. Added in v2.5.1
Timed countdown. Bool, Def true.
Engine sounds. Bool, Def true.
Engine ambient sound. Bool, Def true.
Hyperspace jump sounds. Bool, Def true.
Quirium mine sound. Bool, Def true.
Jump FX
Hyperspace visual effect. Bool, Def true.
Exit FX
Hyperspace exit visual effect. Bool, Def true.
Dock FX
Launching and docking visual effect. Bool, Def true.
FX Redux
Reduced shaders for Hyperspace and launching. Bool, Def false.