Barrel Roll OXP
Barrel Roll OXP | |
Name | Barrel Roll Governor |
Cost | 30₢ |
TL Availability | 6 |
A defensive equipment.
Barrel-rolling is a time-proven evasive tactic, when attacked, for those that can't afford or prefer not to fight back, or are facing overwhelming odds, and can't out-run their attackers.
But manually keeping a ship barrel-rolling for minutes to hours until the attacker(s) give up is a boring, mindless and even painful task.
With that in mind, Think of It as Evolution in Action Corporation would like to present Barrel Roll Governor™, a software add-on to your ship's auto-pilot.
Once primed (by pressing <Shift> N in the default keyboard configuration) and activated (by pressing n in the default keyboard configuration), this little add-on keeps the ship in a barrel-roll until de-activated (by pressing n again), leaving you to just adjust heading through your yaw controls now and then to keep going in the direction you want, but otherwise free to browse the Galactic Net, eat your doughnut, drink your tea, pet your cat, or do whatever your prefer to while the time away.
Note that this will not help against on-coming missiles!
Fast Activation setting
This is an ideal candidate for the Fast Activation defensive equipment slot.
- While docked, select the F4 page (ship and system interfaces) and scroll down to the Manage Primable Equipment option (under Ship Systems), and select Barrel Roll for your Defensive Equipment.
- It will activate whenever you press the 0 (zero) button. Press again to de-activate.
Through the in-game Expansions Manager or Barrel Roll v1.1.
To rename to something less prosaic, open up the .oxz and edit the equipment.plist in the config folder
( ( 6, 300, "Dyballonian Defensive Auto-Pilot", //(was "Barrel Roll Governor",) <-- New Name! "EQ_BARREL_ROLL", "Adds a barrel roll governor to the ship's auto-pilot.", { available_to_all = true; damage_probability = 0.5; script = "barrel_roll.js"; } ) )
You might wish to consult How to tweak OXZ's
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
1.1 | 2020-11-27 | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 | Adds a barrel roll function to your auto-pilot. | Equipment OXPs | Dybal | BB-Link |